My approach.
I bring insight. I will ask questions and challenge your assumptions, examine your habits and your beliefs about yourself and others. Together, we will find out what is and is not working for you, what it is you want to work towards and how best to achieve it.
I rarely ask “Why”. It has its place, but it is all too easy know “Why” we are doing or not doing something or why something is not working. A more important and productive question to ask is “What”. What are you making more important than achieving your goal, what is the benefit for holding on to a particular belief or habit?
My want, is to create a strong and friendly relationship with you. I will say what needs to be said, which may not be what you want to hear, and I will bring healthy challenge. I will help you develop new tools, new ways of thinking and encourage you to use them and I will challenge your excuses when you say you will do something and you do not.
I want to help you rediscover and harness the strength, resources and abilities that already reside within yourself, that you may have forgotten or ignored, and breakthrough to the life you want.